Like many businesses of this type Whitaker & Kate originated from a hobby.  In 2016 I started to “play” with leather and made a few simple designs for my wife and me.  I had no training other than a piece of leather, a few starter tools, and a book on leathercraft.  It came as a complete surprised how many comments my first designs received from friends, family and random strangers.  It was not uncommon for two or three people to stop me in the airport to ask questions about where I got my bag, including receiving an order on the spot for whenever I started producing bags.  So, after developing several designs and at the encouragement of friends and family my wife and I decided to start Whitaker & Kate (named for our two children) with the intent to craft unique designs using the highest quality leathers that will last for a lifetime. 


Design Philosophy and Craftsmanship:

We make designs that are both functional for daily use and are unique in style and construction.  We use the highest quality leathers available and strive to create items that are unique that will last for a lifetime.  More than anything, We enjoy designing a new model in partnership with someone who is looking for something different, one of a kind, or intended for a specific purpose.