Crafted by time.

All of our bags are made one at a time, by hand, in Tennessee. We don’t have mass-production capabilities. We don’t keep inventory. Each Whitaker & Kate bag is created just for you. Our craftsman cuts, edges, burnishes, and assembles each bag by hand using old world techniques. As a result, our bags have a look and feel that is radically different than other more mass-produced items. This level of quality we deliver takes time. We’re proud of that.

We offer our bags to you in two ways:

First, any of the Signature Designs we offer in our store can be personalized with a wide range of options.

Second, for a truly one-of-a-kind product, we offer our Custom Design partnership.


1. Design

Each Whitaker & Kate handcrafted leather bag design starts here — in the design sketchbook. Once we’re satisfied with the drawings, prototypes are built and refinements are made until the form and function are perfected. Many of our Signature Designs started as a Custom Designs that were initiated by an individual with a specific vision or need.


2. Personalize and Build

For our classic designs, we develop a standard configuration and make it available for you to personalize and add the finishing touches. Only then does our craftsman set to work. Each bag is created uniquely for you when you order it. For our custom design bags, because we’re partnering with you to build a bespoke one-of-a-kind product, the build process is more involved.

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3. Evolve and Grow

Our unique no-stitch design means your bag can continue to adapt as your needs change. We can modify virtually any design to your exact specifications. Our no-stitch design also allows our bags to be infinitely recraftable meaning they can be disassembled, cleaned, reconditioned, and sections repaired or replaced as needed. Bags can then be reassembled and hardware replaced, restoring your bag to a like new condition.


Get Started.

Ready to start creating your bag? View and customize one of our classic designs in our store or connect with us on email or social for questions or information about creating a custom design.